Essentials linux commands

exitExit actual session, exit from the program
whatis [command]Show a one-line description of the command
clearclear terminal window
man [command]show manual page for command
less [file]allow you to view, search in many ways in text files
pwdprint current working directory
lslist files/folders in the directory
cdchange directory
catsend input to output, for example, take the content of the file and send it to another program
type [command]show command type for example type ls -> ls is aliased to `ls –color=auto’
aliasallows you to create command aliases, without params show actual aliases
whoamidisplay current username
whereisallows you to locate binaries, manuals etc. (show all important files)
dateshow the current system date and time
touchallows you to update file timestamp or create the file
filedetermine file type
whichsimilar to whereis. Whereis show all “possibly useful” files, which show the only path to the binary
echoallows you to display text and variables
nanopopular text editor alternative to vim, not available in all distro as build-in and you need to install it
lnallows you to make file or directory links
mkdirallows you to make directories
cpallows you to copy files and directories
mvallows you to move files/rename/files and directories
rmallows you to remove files or directories
wcallows you to count lines, words and bytes
headallows you to print the first lines of a file
tailallows you to print the last lines of a file
aproposallows you to search manual titles and descriptions
findallows you to search for files within directories
sortallows you to sort lines within the text files
uniqallows you to find repeating consecutive lines
cutallows you to cut part of text from lines
diffallows you to compare lines of text files
commallows you to simply compare two files
sdiffallows you to compare and merge two files
pasteallows you to combine lines from two files
joinallows you to join lines from two files
grepallows you to search for text patterns in a file
sedallows you to edit a stream of text for example replace text in the file
calendarreminder service, show upcoming events and allow you to make reminders – requires cpp installed
calallows you to show a visual calendar in terminal
sleepallows you to pause for a specified amount of time
crontaballows you to create and schedule automated jobs
psallows you to print a snapshot of current processes
printenvallows you to print environment variables
exportallows you to pass environment variables to other processes
setallows you to display or set shell and environment variables
unsetallows you to unset variables or function
statallows you to show file or file system status
dfallows you to display file or file system space
duallows you to show disk utilization for files and directories similar to df but for files and folders
freeallows you to display memory in system RAM
pgallows you to view text files page by page
moreallows you to view text files
vimbasic text editor
historyshow history of your commands
killkill process
bgallows you to move a process to the background
unameallows you to display system information, uname -a show all info about the system
jobsallows you to show jobs in the terminal
apt-getpackage manager used in ubuntu etc. apt-cache – allows you to search for packages
gzipallows you to compress and decompress files
tarallows you to archive files and directories
chmodallows you to change file permissions
chownallows you to change file owner and group
idallows you to show user and group information
suallows you to temporarily substitute user
sudoallows you to run a command as superuser
passwdallows you to change user password
adduserallows you to add users and groups
wgetdownload files non-interactively
sshremotely access a server
sourceread and execute commands from a file
treeread from standard input and write to standard output and files
printfcreate formatted output

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